Maritime Training in the Philippines: Kongsberg Digital Sings MoU with MARINA
Maritime Training in the Philippines: Kongsberg Digital Sings MoU with MARINA
July 14, 2022
Autonomous Cargo Ships and New Collision Regulations
Autonomous Cargo Ships and New Collision Regulations
July 14, 2022

Strategic Marine Delivers Fast Crew Boat to Centus Marine

Strategic Marine Delivers Fast Crew Boat to Centus Marine

Singapore-based shipbuilder Strategic Marine has delivered a 42m Fast Crew Boat (FCB) to repeat client Centus Marine, the fourth vessel delivered to the offshore marine service provider in the last two years."The 42m FCB has been designed to meet the specific requirements of oil majors…

Singapore-based shipbuilder Strategic Marine has delivered a 42m Fast Crew Boat (FCB) to repeat client Centus Marine, the fourth vessel delivered to the offshore marine service provider in the last two years.”The 42m FCB has been designed to meet the specific requirements of oil majors…Singapore-based shipbuilder Strategic Marine has delivered a 42m Fast Crew Boat (FCB) to repeat client Centus Marine, the fourth vessel delivered to the offshore marine service provider in the last two years.”The 42m FCB has been designed to meet the specific requirements of oil majors…MarineLink NewsRead More

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