Two Dead, Two Missing After Passenger Vessels Collide off Dutch Coast
Two Dead, Two Missing After Passenger Vessels Collide off Dutch Coast
October 21, 2022
Anglo-Eastern Opens New Maritime Training Center Site
Anglo-Eastern Opens New Maritime Training Center Site
October 22, 2022

Liverpool Port Workers to Strike for Another Two Weeks

Liverpool Port Workers to Strike for Another Two Weeks

Workers at a Liverpool port, owned by Peel Ports Group, will go on strike from Monday for two weeks after talks with the port operating company broke down due to disagreements over increase in pay, UK's Unite union said on Friday.Peel Ports'…

Workers at a Liverpool port, owned by Peel Ports Group, will go on strike from Monday for two weeks after talks with the port operating company broke down due to disagreements over increase in pay, UK’s Unite union said on Friday.Peel Ports’…Workers at a Liverpool port, owned by Peel Ports Group, will go on strike from Monday for two weeks after talks with the port operating company broke down due to disagreements over increase in pay, UK’s Unite union said on Friday.Peel Ports’…MarineLink NewsRead More

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